Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Well a week and a bit has passed since I last wrote.  We are still moored in the same place as my last post.  The week has passed fairly quickly.  The highlight being at the weekend, when on Saturday, Lorraine, Paul, Addison and Brogan came to see us.  It was lovely to see them, not the least because it was the first time they had been on board Falcon.  Luckily the weather was very good and we all spent a while on board before going off to the pub for lunch.  This meant them driving and Paul and I walking.  It wasn’t too far though, and afterwards we spent some time in the garden and the park.  Lovely to spend time with them all and to watch the children playing. 

‘Diesel Dave’ had to order parts for our injector so we weren’t sure how much longer we would have to stay here with water supplies getting low.  Was very please to get a phone call yesterday to say the parts had arrived and he would be along today to refit the pump and injector.  What a lovely sound this morning when the engine started.  So now we are ready for the off again in the morning.  Just as well as Paul’s brother Dave is arriving tomorrow to spend a few days with us.  He doesn’t realise how many lock I have in store for him!  I am hoping that we can make it to Brentford with him on board.  Getting closer to London all the time.  So bye for now.

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